2차손실보상금, 4차손실보상금 신청대상자 조회, 확인
우선 본인 신분증으로 중소기업 피해보상 대상인지 확인해주세요.
목표가 정해지면 계약 후 신청 및 선급금을 받을 수 있습니다.
소상공인 피해보상 지원방안
먼저 위 사이트에 접속하셔서 신청해주시면
결제 실행 – 원금 공제 – 상환은 3단계로 진행됩니다.
다만 주의할 점은 금리가
무이자 및 손실보상은 2022년 1분기 손실보상이 인식될 때까지 차감된다.
이후 잔액이 있을 경우 1% 비율로 재사용되오니 유의하시기 바랍니다.
- – Date and method of online application for compensation for loss of small business owners
- 1) Online application date for compensation for loss of small business owners.
- The application date for small business loss compensation in the fourth quarter of 2022 is from March 3,2022, and based on rapid compensation, the business registration number will be 3days, 4.9days, 1day, 6days, and 7days, based on rapid compensation. Everyone can ply from March 8th.
In the case of compensation for small business loss compensation, it is from March 10th to March 14th, and from March 15th, the end of the business number is 10, 1, 6th, 12th, 3, 8th, 13th, and 4th and 14th, and everyone can ply from March 15th.
2) 2) How to apply online for compensation for loss of small business owners.
You can apply after authentication by clicking the link below, and you only need to go through the authentication process without a separate document.
- – Link to online application for loss compensation for small business owners.
<Online application shortcut for compensation for loss of small business owners>
- – Date and method of fline application for compensation for loss of small business owners
- 1) Date of fline application for compensation for loss of small business owners.
- Offline application date for compensation for loss of small business owners can be applied from March 10th for quick compensation and from March 15th for confirmation compensation.
2) 2) How to apply of fline for compensation for loss of small business owners.